Worm Wrangler

Worms & Vermicompost Sales, Support, and Education!

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Empower Hour

Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber of Commerce

Thursday January 30th | 9:30-11:30am

The Grandway Events Centre

7445 County Rd-21, Elora, ON

Thursday January 30th

9:30 – 11:30am

The Grandway Events Centre

Composting Solutions Compared!

Keeping Track – Social Media

Screenshot of Worm Wrangler Services page

We’ve recently expanded our social media presence, and it’s only growing from here!

Use our Services page to stay up to date with our offerings and gain some rare insight into the day-to-day life of a worm farmer.

We’re in the News!

The Worm Wrangler is proud to be featured on CTV’s Made Right Here segment – check it out!

Introducing… THE BAIT FRIDGE!

We have fresh fishing bait available at our self-serve fridge!

Shop for Compost & Live Worms

We offer ethically grown, minimally packaged, earth-friendly vermicompost and gardening products.

We’ll even help you get started with vermicomposting and contribute to your gardening success.

Who Is The Worm Wrangler?

Meet Amanda Hunter M.Sc., B.S.A.

Amanda Hunter the Worm Wrangler

Amanda Hunter is the Worm Wrangler! She has both an M.Sc. and B.S.A. in soil science!

Amanda’s passions lies in exploring soil health and ecology, minimizing contributions to landfill, and sharing about composting with kids and adults. She thrives on empowering people to make positive changes in their community and the environment.

Vermicomposting lies at an interesting intersection of soil, environment, community and curiosity.

Worm Wrangler Events & Services

We educate school groups, including home schools, and also support enthusiasts with advice and instruction

Our events and service offerings are great for individuals or classes. We can come to you with a custom tailored lesson and activities, or we can host a session at our worm farm facility and show you how it all works.

If you’re an enthusiast that just needs some advice, we do that too and have staff available to answer your questions in person or by phone & video call.

hands holding vermicompost

Our Worm Wrangler Mission

Reduce Waste, Feed Soil, Grow Community, and Live Sustainably

Vermicompost is a way of composting using earth worms. There are many great reasons to do this:

Finished compost is amazing for garden and house plants.
Reduce household waste. Your compostable waste becomes garden fuel.
Red Wiggler worms reproduce easily and are awesome pets.
Vermicompost bins are easy to maintain (about 10 mins/week).
Vermicomposting can be done in small spaces (such as apartments).
Worms add a lot to outdoor composters and gardens.
Composting is a great way to involve kids in caring for our earth.
It’s fun!
No really, it is definitely fun!
seedling, gardening, starting seeds greenhouse-5009286.jpg

Amanda’s favorite thing to do is teach people about vermicomposting and how they can use it in their own lives to reduce their environmental impact.

Come explore the world of sustainability! My enthusiasm for soil and worms is contagious, so I love to share it with everyone. From homeschooled kids to school groups and community organizations, there’s something here for everybody – consultation services focusing on education and extension. Let’s get started today!
Amanda Hunter
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