Vermicomposting Consultation
A Remote Consultation via Phone or Video Call
Reach Out to The Worm Wrangler
Got Questions? Schedule a 15 minute phone or video consultation with one of our vermicomposting experts.
Take advantage or our expertise with vermicomposting and worm farming. If you have questions, or need support with something challenging, we can help.
Schedule a 15 minute, or longer remote chat with a vermicomposting expert.
We will connect with you via video conference or a phone call to assist with diagnosing problems and supplying advice to help keep your worms and vermicomposting efforts healthy and productive!
Worm Wrangler Events & Services
We educate school groups, including home schools, and also support enthusiasts with advice and instruction
Our events and service offerings are great for individuals or classes. We can come to you with a custom tailored lesson and activities, or we can host a session at our worm farm facility and show you how it all works.
If you’re an enthusiast that just needs some advice, we do that too and have staff available to answer your questions in person or by phone & video call.
Upcoming Events
We’re always up to something – if there’s anything coming up, you’ll see it here!
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