Worm Farm Visit

Perfect for School, Day Camp, and Homeschool Groups

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Come Visit Our Farm!

A visit and tour of our worm farm. Guests are engaged and get hands on with the worms, learning all about how they help things grow.

We’ll show you the life stages of red wigglers, what their finished compost looks like and how it’s used.

This will give you lots of insights on how to go about your own composting journey. This is a great trip for homeschooled kids!

We’ll set you up with 1/2 lb of red wigglers, 1 bag of shredded cardboard bedding to start your own compost journey.

worm wrangler farm tour

Worm Farm Visit – Event Details

We will tailor your visit to the needs of your group, and create an experience that is both educational and fun! This is something we’ll need to discuss with a conversation when you book.

A typical worm farm visit and presentation looks like this:

Worm Wrangler Events & Services

We educate school groups, including home schools, and also support enthusiasts with advice and instruction

Our events and service offerings are great for individuals or classes. We can come to you with a custom tailored lesson and activities, or we can host a session at our worm farm facility and show you how it all works.

If you’re an enthusiast that just needs some advice, we do that too and have staff available to answer your questions in person or by phone & video call.

hands holding vermicompost

Upcoming Events

We’re always up to something – if there’s anything coming up, you’ll see it here!

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